week 4- Practicing Awareness Of Microaggressions

Over the course of his career in politics, Trump has never singled out individuals for criticism about racist actions. In February, Elizabeth Warren announced her presidential candidacy for the year 2020. Following her announcement, Trump tweeted:  “Today Elizabeth Warren, sometimes referred to by me as Pocahontas, joined the race for President. Will she run as our first Native American presidential candidate, or has she decided that after 32 years, this is not playing so well anymore? See you on the campaign TRAIL, Liz!”
Trump mocked Elizabeth’s Cherokee heritage, by giving her the nickname “Pocahontas”. Shared on many news and social media sites, the all caps of “trail” was interpreted as a reference to the “Trail of the Tears”. During this sad time, Native Americans were forced to relocate from their homes. Many Native Americans died from different diseases and starvation during their travels. Continuing to see these racial acts in the world, saddens me because I am ready for a change within our society.
Through Dr. Sue’s video segment about the concept of microaggression, it has made me think more about racism. Even though I wish racism was a matter of the past, it is still important to learn more about the concept. Learning this information will help me to become better aware of different microaggressions. The last thing I would ever want to do is offend a person or their race.  


  1. Hi Kiara,

    I have to say it is sad to see how many different types of microaggressions we experience on a daily basis, and even though some or done unintentionally I have to say that a lot of people do know what they are saying and doing. Words can be very harsh and hurtful. We have to respect people and I am a firm believer to treat people as I want to be treated what Trump did only shows how racist he is.

  2. Kiara,
    It is so important for someone in such a public position to understand the impact of his words just as much of the words of any other person. While I am sure he was quite inadvertent with his choice of words, he is show a microinsult towards her and it should not go unnoticed because the reference is one that is a major stain on our history. Thank you for using this example for this week because it does show just how much of an impact microagressions have on others and how these occur in the public arena.

  3. Kiara,

    Thank you for sharing! Living in Europe I have no idea what is going on in the states. My mom tells me how openly racist and prejudice people have become since Trump has been in office. I think that when the leader of an organization promotes microaggression the followers will exhibit micro aggression as well.


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