Week 2 Blog: My Family Culture

My Family Culture

In this major catastrophe event, I will take a picture of my family, a bible and my gold chain necklace. The picture of my family would serve as a visual and constant reminder of my happy place, which is with my family. The next item I would take along is a pocket size bible. Often when I feel stress, or I need to find comfort I open my bible to read different scriptures. Through the words from the bible, I can strengthen my faith in God. By trusting in him to lead me and family by faith and not by sight. The final item that will bring with me is my gold letter “K” chain necklace. When I was around the age of 9 or 10 my father gave me a necklace that was given to him by his Mother. In 2012, my Father died unexpectedly from an enlarged heart. My father had also had a gold necklace that had a letter “K” charm attached. When he passed away, I added his letter “K” to my chain. To this day I still wear the necklace and charm. When I have one of those days when I miss him the most, I will rub it and think about the good times that I shared with him.
If I had to give up two of the items that I brought with me, I would choose to give up the family picture and the necklace. The necklace would be very hard to give up because it is something special to me. However, I know that through the words of the bible and my faith in God I can be brought out of any dark situation. Even though the family picture and necklace would be gone I still have memories that I will always cherish. I would say that through this assignment, I see how much my religious faith means to me.


  1. Hi Kiara,

    I enjoyed reading your blog post. I too chose pictures and the bible because they are more significant in my life than other things. Thank you for sharing such a great story as to why you would take your gold necklace. I am sorry about your fathers passing. I like how you pick the bible overall and how your religion is the most important.

  2. Thank you for sharing with us.
    I too said the bible. It is evident that religion is important to your culture. With having to keep school and religion separate in public schools, how do you ensure your cutlre is still expressed and how do you ensure that the religious culture of your students and their families are represented?

  3. Kiara,

    My deepest sympathies for the loss of your father. I lost my mother in 2011 and my father in 2018. Your father is be with you forever because you carry him close to your heart and in your memories. What he taught you and shared with you will continue to be part of your family culture. Your belief and faith in God and the Holy Bible will guide you through your life.

    Wishing you well,


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