Two Generations Together

Being a part of the ECE field, I have learned how important it is for families to be involved in their child's educational journey. As educators and parents our children look up to us as role models. To establish a firm foundation within the household it is important to practice what you preach to your child. Looking through The National Head Start Association site it shared information about bringing awareness of adult education. "The Two Generations Together Initiative focuses on increasing the awareness of two-generation adult education and job training models that are part of the comprehensive child and family services delivered by Head Start programs across the country" (Two Generations, n.d.). In addition to NHSA's mission, they also look deep into the stability of a child's household. For children to achieve long-term outcomes they must have individuals in their lives who support and enable their health and education.


The National Head Start Quality Initiative is the premier program recognizing and supporting excellence and outstanding performance within Head Start and Early Head Start programs across the nation. Hopefully within this initiative, it will spread the promotion of effective practices within the EC field and not just within Head Start programs. I really like this premier program because it serves as positive motivation for other programs to go above and beyond for our young children. We must continue to find ways to recognize and support our EC programs.

Two Generations Together. (n.d.). Retrieved from


  1. Thank you for this information. Head Start has such a great program and they always stress the importance of family involvement in their child's education. we have so many workshops and activities that involves parents to participate in our school with their children


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