Early Childhood Education was meant for.....ME!

Ever since I became the neighborhood babysitter, I knew that I love to care for young children. Later, I learned that I was also teaching them. It was like I had my own classroom. I would interact with them, by playing, talking and reading to them. Once I became a Jr in high school I started to take pathway courses in the ECE field. It was there I became aware of different theorists, approaches and practices. Continuing to study and work in the ECE field each day has been a learning experience.

 Currently, in my place of work we trying to get parents actively involved in their child’s educational journey. It is important to have parents involved because it shows them that early education is the foundation to all future learning. In hopes of this involvement parents can spread the news about early education and the importance of establishing the foundation. We have started to host different events that allow parents to participate.

As I continue to grow in the ECE field, I strive to achieve my professional goals. Such as completing my master’s degree and becoming an advocate for the field. There are many different opportunities in the field that contribute to ensuring that all children have the chance to experience early education.  I would like to host trainings, workshops and, book clubs for parents and other ECE professionals. I hope through appropriate practices, trainings and partnership we can spread the importance of the ECE field. I hope that we continue to move forth in the field, by being a voice for young children. We all have ways we can address and tackle the challenges within the field. I am excited to see the growth in our field and I am eager to see what is in store for our future.


  1. It sounds like you have a lot of passion for working with young children and their families - a necessity in this field. With that type of passion, you will one day make a great advocate! On a different note, I think it is wonderful that you work in a place that promotes parent involvement. I just observed in three different classrooms this term and only one classroom actually included family involvement. One classroom actually stated that it was discouraged! So thank you for promoting the best development for both your students and parents! Your students will reach better potentials just from your parent involvement initiatives.

  2. Sounds Great! Thanks for sharing your personal journey throughout the early childhood field with us. Your passion for the children and families that you serve shows through your hard work and dedication. I look forward to seeing you in the field of advocacy one day!

  3. Having parents involved is a major issue with our little ones and I thought that it was because It tis more single parent households, but some parents seem to just not have time at all. In my classroom we have a students parent sign up atleast a hour a month so all parents are able to come inside the classroom to not only see their child, but to see and interact with all the stufents


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