For Every Child, A Fair Chance- UNICEF

For over 70 years, working in 190 countries and territories the UNICEF protects the rights of every children. This foundation believes in “all children have a right to survive, thrive and fulfill their potential- to the benefit of a better world” (The State of the,2017). Throughout the website, they provided their viewers with information about their research and their reports, where they work, what they do and how to take action. I really like how all the provided information on the site is given in 5 different languages (UNICEF. N.d.).
The site also shares different non-fiction stories of families around the world who live in poverty. One of the stories that I found interesting was titled “The State of the World’s Children in 2016”. This story was divided into 5 sections, that discuss different day to day living situations from families around the world.  The stories also provide their readers with poverty statistics.  In chapter one, they shared a story about a 40-year-old lady from Nigeria that gave birth (3 weeks ago) to her eighth child to stillbirth. In 2015, it was reported that roughly 1 million babies died within their first day on earth (The State of the,2017).
 The foundation also provided viewers with the “5 I’s” to the pathway of equity. Information- finding data and facts about those who are behind and working towards milestones to achieve them. Integration- mixing together how we approach different issues, can better help overlapping these trends and issues. Investment- pay close attention to the most disadvantaged children and provided them with the opportunity to reach higher levels in life. Innovation- providing these counties with the necessities like food, technology and, services that they need to be able to function daily and in the future. Lastly, involvement- working together with the government, other organizations and civil society to address poverty. By creating ways together to lift children out of these challenging situations (The State of the,2017).

The State of the World's Children 2016. (2017). Retrieved from

UNICEF Home. (n.d.). Retrieved from


  1. I love the 5I’s. What a great and easy to follow methodology to improve the living conditions and opportunities for those in poverty conditions. Just think of how utilizing those would help here in our country as well. Particularly the Investment category. I really think that we need to invest in the education of low income areas and proudly applaud the return in the future. Thank you for sharing this!


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