My Connections to Play

“Play keeps us vital and alive. It gives us an enthusiasm for life that is irreplaceable. Without it, life just doesn’t taste good” -Lucia Capocchione

“Play is the beginning of knowledge.” -George Dorsey

“It is a happy talent to know how to play.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Playing with Barbie dolls and jumping on the trampoline was a few things I enjoyed doing as a child.

Growing up as the only child, I remember my parents always being active with any game that I wanted to play. There have been plenty of times when my father would allow me to comb is his hair or to put make up on him (looking back at those memories always put a smile on my face).  Around 9 years old, my family started a board game night every Friday night. After dinner we would gather around the table to play games such as Trouble, Checkers, Monopoly, Candy Land and, Gold fish.  
The role of play is a bit different from when I was a young child. There are a lot of changes that have taken place within the society that I feel that has caused this shift. Being that I value play, I try my best to promote it as much as I can especially within my family. We schedule play dates for our daughter, we constantly play dress up and engage in other roles of play with Kassidy.  Even me and fiancé have times where we play different board and card games. We also have date nights when we got out to different places such, arcades, laser tag and, the escape room. I would love to see more child engaging in outdoor play instead of being cooped in the house playing video games. Get Out, Be ACTIVE and Have FUN! 

Fun times with my family!!          



  1. Hi Kiara. I really enjoyed reading your blog. It sounds like you incorporated a lot of play in your life. As you have memories of play with your family your daughter will have fond memories of your play times. I liked your idea of a board game night. I wished I had thought of that when I was raising my kids. We had Friday movie night. We would choose a family friendly movie, go to Rite Aid and buy snacks, and then enjoy the movie. You are right! even as adults we have to remember to play!


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