Standardized testing?? I say NO!

Standardized Test in the United States

No child learns the same, so comparing a child’s academic performance or any development should not be the only method of measurement. Even though, it is done quite often, educators should always keep in mind that each child is different. I command the educators who take the time to change their teaching styles to meet the needs of each child in their classroom.
When I was in grade school, I was not good at taking the EOG test. The emphasis that school officials put on the students would make them become overwhelmed. This was me as a child. A student could perform up to standards all school year and then score low on the EOG test. This could determine if a child pass or fail their grade. Recently I learned that some schools in N.C, have 3rd graders who must take a BOG in addition to the EOG. I honestly feel that school systems should do away with standardized testing, especially for the younger grades. Standardized should not define our students capabilities. 

Standardized Test in Japan

Up until the age of 12, students will experience an education environment that is creative, happy, loving and, caring. However, when the child is 13 years of age they become bombarded with endless exams (standardized test). Based on the article, once students reach junior high they lose interest in education and learning. Not only do the students have a difficult and stressful time with overload of test, the teachers become stressed as well. For many they take time off due to being stressed.
This matter is very heart breaking because school should not be a stress experience. Education should be a great environment for students and educators both.


  1. Good Blog! I couldn't agree with you more standardized testing does not give you an accurate measure of children's intelligence. I did my research on Japan as well. It's unfortunate that children are bombarded with exams and testing at age 12 but at least they are 12. Our children in the U.S. are bombarded with standardize testing at the young age of 5. By 12 you should have least developed the self-regulation skills to endure 3 hours of testing even though its still hard for even us adults to stay focused that long at times.

  2. I enjoy your blog. I have never been a good test taker. I like that in japan they don't stress much about test into letter on in life. =)

  3. I agree with doing away with standardized testing. In our state we have what is called the PARCC test. It is an assessment test that was implemented a few years ago. It is a very hard test and it starts for kids in third grade. There have been concerns from parents and teachers about this test, children would get so worried and stressed out the night before and during the day of the test. Children that young should not be taking these type of rigorous assessment tests, the assessment should just be used throughout the school year and not just through one test. It is very rigorous, there has been talk in our community that this might be the last year for this PARCC test so hopefully it will be!

  4. I enjoyed your blog! I totally agree with you on standardized testing. My son is a A-B student, however he does not test well. So this year he actually has to take two maths because of his EOG scores in math last year.

  5. I agree with you when it comes to younger students taking test, I feel like at some point teachers need to teach more of the basic material we need to learn for life and outside of high school. The stuff on the test these days are way advance and actually pointless to our students. If we do test I would rather it be just to determine who mastered the skill and who hasn't.


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